Investor's Business Daily
October 7, 2011
The Left: Billionaire George Soros declared sympathy for the mobs swarming Wall Street and blaming banks for the economy. Strange that a man who should be anathema to these parasites' agenda is actually their patron.
The "Occupy Wall Street" blame-the-banks movement in New York and other large cities is proving itself to be more AstroTurf than grass-roots political movement by the day.
The latest presence: billionaire big-foot hedge-fund speculator George Soros who has declared fealty to this unkempt bunch. "Actually, I can understand (the protestors') sentiment, frankly," he told reporters in New York. "I can sympathize with their grievances."
Not only is the $22 billion-dollar man declaring the motley mob the protagonists in a vast struggle against capitalism, the activist groups he's funded, such as the Tides Foundation, MoveOn.org, and a new one, led by self-described communist Van Jones called "Rebuild the Dream," are now its most active organizers.
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