In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House. - Sarah Palin
Hey there O4P Gals and Guys.
The dust has (sort of) began to clear from the big earthquake that rocked the political landscape last week. Wow! Are there anymore earthquakes coming to America? We may need to brace ourselves a little bit...but not in the frame of our doorway. For these particular types of earthquakes we need to be GOING ROGUE and acting like marines. We run TOWARD the danger.
Sarah Palin will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States...HUH?...I still don't get it.
To some of us, this moment in history may seem a tad undefined, a bit murky, or even risky. Be not afraid, this sudden turn of events really isn't that out of character for the Sarah Palin brand of modern, unconventional politics, and American restoration.
As our multi talented O4P-CA volunteer @TwoLegsGood pointed out the other day:
Sarah Palin's Career Was Born By Committing ‘Career Suicide’.
The writing on the wall, Lady Luck, destiny, kismet and yes providence all go hand in hand with our newly unleashed citizen leader.
There are no mistakes. There are no accidents. We have all been activated.
We are all Sarah Palin now.
That is why we are here. That is why we have united. That is why we know in order for Governor Palin to lead effectively (with or without a title, with or without an office, and quite frankly with or without the GOP) she will need an engaged citizenry.
Not just any engaged citizenry. A united and engaged citizenry of independent warriors working together as reformers to restore the founding values and principles of our Republic at every level of government.
The battle for our civilization has begun.
As a sovereign individual; your participation, and your level of engagement is your choice. What do you feel driven to do?
O4P volunteers have stepped up to answer the call in many ways.
Many have been compelled to write letters and post cards to Sarah Palin about her recent decision.
Some feel encouraged to join the O4P phone team that reaches out to the electorate.
Even as you read this blog a number of O4P volunteers are behind the scenes brainstorming; discussing and batting around ideas for future projects. One idea (that is quickly rising to the top) is to have online summits. By frugally holding an online summit O4P volunteers from coast to coast can discuss ways to further develop our capacity to influence electoral results at all levels of government.
Buckle your seatbelts. The long haul starts now.
It's time to be honest, it's time to be optimistic, and it's time to be fearless.
Our work continues. Let's restore America.
Follow O4P-CA on Twitter: @CA4Palin
Follow Thomas on Twitter: @ThomasSSchmitz
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