Saturday, January 28, 2012
AGU 2012 Agenda; O4P & Beyond
Posted on 10:31 AM by Unknown
AGU's history and accomplishments:
In 2010 American Grizzlies United (AGU) introduced two projects: Organize4Palin (O4P) and Students4Palin (S4P). The original goal of the O4P project was to help Governor Sarah Palin's endorsed candidates get elected to office.
With only two months to learn the ropes, O4P worked tirelessly in the 2010 election cycle. O4P, knocked on doors, made phone calls, waved signs, walked precincts, and circumvented the establishment party machine and brought about real change.
O4P had a 67% success rate in the 2010 mid-terms.
O4P helped Governor Palin elect: 1 Secretary of State, 2 Attorneys General, 6 Senators, 7 Governors, and 37 House Reps.
After the 2010 midterm elections O4P volunteered our nation wide network to help with the promotion of Victory Film Group's The Undefeated. By using our personal connections, modern technology, and the good old fashioned telephone, O4P volunteers worked tirelessly to help fill strategically selected theaters on opening weekend.
On a per screen basis O4P's citizen activism helped The Undefeated hold it's own against Harry Potter, The Transformers, and Winnie the Pooh.
Even the Los Angeles Times was so impressed by the ability to use practically no marketing money, they conceded:
"This is a new model that is going to benefit the entire entertainment industry and audiences who want to see unique products"
After The Undefeated opened, O4P began laying the ground work for a Sarah Palin 2012 Presidential run.
That nation wide ground work and structure remains intact today.
At this time, Governor Palin is not seeking the GOP nomination.
AGU's plans for 2012:
In the 2012 election cycle O4P will again help candidates who are endorsed by Sarah Palin.
Additionally, AGU will help candidates that are endorsed by YOU.
AGU will help vetted, down ticket candidates (all the way down to the local level) who are:
- Good candidates who put country first.
- Good candidates who understand that energy independence is the key element of our economic security and betterment that all Americans want and deserve.
- Good candidates who believe in American Exceptionalism.
- And lastly, good candidates who understand that American foreign policy should, above all, be founded in our national interest, and not the interests of others.
Check out the new AGU website HERE: American Grizzlies United
AGU has already received many requests from Tea Party candidates running for office in 2012.
In the coming weeks our volunteers will be receiving resources to help educate and empower ordinary citizens.
One of these resources is: The Grizzly Doctrine; A Crib Sheet. This manuscript will provide a framework for discussion about the honest and ethical policies that all Americans should expect from our leaders. Besides covering the issues that Americans are concerned with, the manuscipt helps educate ordinary citizen volunteers on the best ways to approach potential voters to discuss candidates positions.
Another AGU resource: Citizen Activism Guide; showcases volunteerism, vetting, and organizing your precinct.
AGU feels strongly that there is only one way to put America back on the right track. And that is through an engaged citizenry. An engaged citizenry is key to effectively govern and pass the agenda of sudden and relentless reform that our republic is in need of.
Through an engaged citizenry AGU believes we have a unique opportunity to build a better future for all.
With O4P helping candidates that are endorsed by Governor Palin and AGU concentrating on down ticket local races; our agenda for 2012 is to educate and empower ordinary citizens to come together and make sure that on November 6, 2012 America elects candidates on every level of government who will stop the out of control, out of touch, liberal agenda of Barack Obama.
Students4Palin (S4P):
Students4Palin (S4P), the official student wing of American Grizzlies United (AGU), inspires and facilitates political action in young people across the country. S4P is a convenient, one-stop shop of important news and information about citizen activism for busy young adults. S4P prepares young people to serve as vehicles and public servants for other like-minded young people as they connect and engage with one another.
Other upcoming activities:
AGU will have a presence at CPAC and we've got tons of cool free things to give out (courtesy of O4P-CA's Check out the Sarah SWAG package available at E & O: SARAH SWAG 4 CPAC
AGU will be helping out at Grizzly Fest's Winter Summit
New AGU Organization Structure:
Due to AGU's expansion, the position and duties of National Director have been transferred to a 5 member Board of Directors.
Actions and decisions on the National level are now approved by a simple majority vote.
AGU Board of Directors:
Martha Cano; Board Member, TX State Coordinator
Mary Beth House; Board Member, TN State Coordinator
R.F. Lawrence; Board Member
Susan Widdowson; Board Member, GA State Coordinator
Thomas S Schmitz; Chairman of the Board, CA State Coordinator
AGU looks forward to coming together and making sure that on November 6, 2012 we retain the House, seize the Senate and ensure that our new President of the United States has a congress of common sense, constitutional, conservative public servants.
By keeping our determination and our commitment intact. We can advance, strengthen, and carry on this organized entity that works together toward the restoration of our founder’s values and principles – on every level of government.
This is 2012. This is an election year. Our work continues. Let’s restore America.
Thomas S Schmitz
American Grizzlies United; Chairman
American Grizzlies United Website:
Follow AGU on Twitter: @AGUGrizzlies
Follow O4P on Twitter: @O4Palin
Follow S4P on Twitter: @_Students4Palin
Follow Thomas on Twitter: @ThomasSSchmitz
Follow AGU on Facebook: American Grizzlies United (AGU)
Subscribe to the AGU You-Tube Channel: AmericanGrizzliesU
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