Tomorrow the Obama SuperPAC (HBO) releases their theatrical contribution to the Obama 2012 Campaign. They think they are pretty foxy by debuting it during the Super Tuesday election cycle.
So far their donation to the Obama campaign isn't going so well.
All honest people who were involved in the 2008 McCain/Palin ticket have stepped forward and exposed HBO's appropriation as fiction.
Last night volunteers from American Grizzlies United punked Obama's SuperPAC HBO. At a screening in DC, AGU volunteers passed out Showbills (you know those yellow and white pamphlets called Playbill you get when you go to a play).
The Showbills were really a truthful statement on the McCain/Palin campaign with a call for a fictional disclaimer to be placed on the film.
Our friend Mr. L (Mr. L's Tavern: Conservative Common Sense Talk) has a great resource up on his blog:
Mr. L's Tavern: Turn off HBO on March 10- Turn on REELZ March 11 for The Undefeated premier:
On Sunday March 11, 8pm EST REELZ Channel airs the The Undefeated. Encore Presentations for The Undefeated will air 10 p.m. EST on March 12 and 5:30 p.m. EST March 25.
Sarah Palin's PAC responds to Game Change
John McCain attacks Game Change
Cindy McCain says Game Change is fiction
Top McCain aide: Palin didn't cost McCain the election
Who To Believe? HBO or the Secret Service
Sarah Palin's PAC responds to Game Change
John McCain attacks Game Change
Cindy McCain says Game Change is fiction
Top McCain aide: Palin didn't cost McCain the election
Who To Believe? HBO or the Secret Service
So what's it gonna be? Game Change or The Undefeated?
The power of influence is within each of us. We all have the power to influence members of our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and community members.
The Undefeated is a great tool to share our experiences, concerns, and platform in a welcoming, neighborly way. By provoking a dialogue on this documentary we have an opportunity to strike up a conversation about current events; mainly corruption and crony capitalism.
Everyone cares about the fate of our country, even those who don’t consider themselves to be political.
Let's use our power of influence this weekend. Let's be sure to let all of our contacts know that The Undefeated will have its television debut this Sunday.
Find REELZ TV in you area: HERE
The door is open just a little crack for us. Let's not miss this opportunity to inspire others with a true story of good triumphing over evil.
Let's plough through that door and encourage others that we have the power to make a difference if we take a stand for what we believe.
We can win the battle against corruption and crony capitalism.
Our work continues...
Thomas S Schmitz
American Grizzlies United; Chairman
American Grizzlies United Website:
Follow AGU on Twitter: @AGUGrizzlies
Follow O4P on Twitter: @O4Palin
Follow S4P on Twitter: @_Students4Palin
Follow Thomas on Twitter: @ThomasSSchmitz
Follow AGU on Facebook: American Grizzlies United (AGU)
Subscribe to the AGU You-Tube Channel: AmericanGrizzliesU
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